Book Review: The Council by Kayla Krantz

So, as a writer, I am also a voracious reader! In my own genre (fantasy), but also non-fiction, sci-fi, horror, and a lot of other genres too.

It’s not only for enjoyment, I consider it part of my “job”. Stephen King’s famous quote on this pretty much sums up my opinion:

If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. ~Stephen King

Today, I wanted to share my review on Kayla Krantz’s novel, The Council (The Witch’s Ambitions Trilogy – Book 1).

As with all my reviews – this is a non-spoiler review. I’ll touch on what I liked, what I didn’t like, and may mention some things from within the book, but nothing that would be considered a spoiler that you couldn’t read for yourself using the “look inside” preview from Amazon. that’s out of the way… let’s go!

The first thing that grabbed me right out of the door is the main character, Lilith, is unique. She doesn’t come across as your typical MC / hero / ‘expected’ protagonist in a fantasy novel. She seems well-rounded, and I wanted to know more about her and her story.

The story itself – in the beginning of the book, I was fed juuuuust enough backstory about the world Lilith lives in to think, ‘hmm, okay, that’s an interesting idea…” which was enough of a hook to make me keep turning the pages.

As for the downside… it’s not often I say this, but I didn’t really have a downside to this book. ?

As a personal preference, I tend to not like books written in first-person. Nothing wrong with them, just a personal preference – for whatever reason, 1st person tends to break my immersion in a story. But The Council is one of the exceptions to my rule.

When I first opened the book and saw it was first person, my immediate thought was, “uh-oh”… but within the first few pages, I was ready to know what happened next and even over the busy holidays, wasn’t able to put it down for long.

If you enjoy fantasy books, this is definitely a 4.5 wands out of 5, and would be a great read for any age range.

If you would like to see Kayla’s other works and ways you can connect with her, check out her Amazon Author Page.

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